Soon after graduating from High School, I was down in a four foot deep hole bailing water to fix a broken water main. When the Plant Manager of the cotton mill walked up, I started bailing really fast letting just a small amount of water get in my bucket each time. He obviously was not impressed because he told me; “you would be more effective if you would fill your bucket each time. I worked in that cotton mill until I graduated with a degree in Electronics Engineering Technology and I was hired by Texas Instruments (TI). I learned a lot over the next thirty years at TI between earning a BS in Computer Science and experiencing extremely innovative technology. But, my greatest lesson is still that I will be more effective with a full bucket. I was thrilled for the first few years learning about infrared detectors, lasers, optics, electronics and software. The software really intrigued me, but my lack of software knowledge made me feel like I was bailing without filling my bucket. This is when I decided to attend the University of Texas at Dallas to get a degree in Computer Science. Over the next thirty years, I gained experience in Software Design and Development, analog and digital Electronics, I learned to develop a good mechanical aptitude and I improved my natural ability leading projects. But, I just could not refill my bucket anymore. Therefore, I retired early from Texas Instruments intent on refilling my bucket by either going back to school or starting my own business. I decided to start my own business, take oil painting classes and write a novel. I started Sir. Fixalot LLC in 2009 and have developed some really great customers. I love to work for customers who love their homes and take pride in getting things done right. I also love the problems that could not be solved by others. I started back to school in Jan. 2012 studying Accounting. I guess it has to do with constantly keeping my bucket full. I now have much better appreciation for accounting and will soon add QuickBooks consulting to my list of services.
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